Tag Archives: crystal

Hobby to Business – Marketing Your Crystal Jewelry

Crystal jewelries are among the jewelries that are increasing in popularity, nowadays. They have always been sold pretty well. They are great gifts which is why during holidays, its sales increase. There are many designs, colors and even cuts that you could choose from. Crystal jewelries are not just something you can buy in certain stores, you can even make them at home. They are individuals who are finding making their own crystal jewelries a great hobby. Making your own jewelry is a great way of personalizing […]

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What Is Crystal Jewelry

People have been buying and investing on jewelry since the dawn of civilization. Some cultures see it as adornments that enhance the overall appeal of the person. Some have considered it as symbols of their status in society while some consider it amulets that protect them from harm and disease. Over the years the design and function of jewelries have evolved from its simplest metal forms to crystal jewelry and even to synthetic jewelries of the modern times, different ages’, different uses and meaning but one thing […]

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