Category Archives: Jewelry Business Info

Buying Wholesale Jewelry Is Not Just About Price Comparison

Although it also applies to traditional brick and mortar jewelry retail stores, the surge of ecommerce through the advancing internet infrastructure and a significant decrease in overhead costs enable many entrepreneurs to start their own businesses online. Combined with the exponentially increasing number of web users, online retail has become an attractive opportunity for people who want something for their own. The online retail sales grossed about $110 billion in 2005 and jewelry category accounted for 5% of the total. Other major categories include books, apparel, computer […]

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Working From Home With a Flexible Schedule

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week.I’ve spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any “get rich quick” programs worth buying. I’ve been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy […]

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Start a Work at Home Jewelry Business

Jewelry making is an ideal way to start earning a little extra money from home. You don’t need to spend a lot to get going. Initially your circle of friends will be your customers. Your friends will tell their friends, who will tell their friends, and so on and so on. Though you may start with a kit or two for the learning experience, you can’t rely on kits if you want to make money selling your work. People will pay more for one-of-a-kind pieces. Plus, the […]

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